
  • Chapter 41 - Slides to accompany Chapter 42.
  • Chapter 42 - Shiny tutorial with hands-on activity to build this app using the BC Liquor Store dataset.

Awesome add-on packages to Shiny

Many people have written packages that enhance Shiny in some way or add extra functionality. Here is a list of several popular packages that people often use together with Shiny:

  • shinythemes - Easily alter the appearance of your app (CRAN).
  • shinyjs - Enhance user experience in Shiny apps using JavaScript functions without knowing JavaScript (CRAN; GitHub).
  • leaflet - Add interactive maps to your apps (CRAN; GitHub).
  • ggvis - Similar to ggplot2, but the plots are focused on being web-based and are more interactive (CRAN).
  • shinydashboard - Gives you tools to create visual “dashboards” (CRAN; GitHub).